Update AUTOCAD Drawing Using EXCEL formulas - Part 4
Excel_ing CAD - HYPERLINK, HATCH, ENCIRCLE We can add HYPERLINK in AutoCAD drawing in a predefined way using Excel. HYPERLINK ADDRESS TO AREA OR OBJECT HATCHING UNDER BOUNDARY WITH CONDITIONAL COLORS ENCIRCLE THE TEXT AND MASK Prerequisite to apply our formula in the specified drawing : Get the Coordinates where we want to define the values as text/object. ( Explained in Part-1 ) The area can be defined with 4 coordinates in a CAD file. HYPERLINK ADDRESS TO AREA/OBJECT Hyperlink Formula: ="(command ""-hyperlink"""&" "&""""&"I"&""""&" "&""""&"A"&""""&" "&""""&[@X]&""""&""""&[@Y]&""""&""""&[@LINK]&""""&""""&...